New Campus Building STRW


  • Friday March 8th: Moving boxes will be delivered to the Huygens and Oort buildings
    From now on you can start packing your personal belongings, the precise instructions for this will follow soon. Before throwing things away, please consult these guidelines.
  • March 8th - March 28th: Packing days
    Moving boxes:
    • will be available per office for all material that needs moving to the new building
    • a number of boxes will be placed outside each office, spare boxes are stored opposite the Oort elevators and HL11 elevator
    • more specific information on this will follow closer to the moving date
  • Thursday March 28th: Shutdown day
    • In the morning the IT team will start disconnecting the desktops. Bear in mind that logging in remotely might not be possible from this day on, until the move has been completed.
    • At the end of the day your room should be clean and ready for the move. The furniture that will be moved will be marked with stickers, more specific information on this will follow soon.
  • March 29th - April 1st: Moving days/Easter
    The moving company starts on Friday morning at 07:00 with the actual moving. The building will be closed for employees. Please note that the desktops will be switched off for transportation, so logging in remotely will not be possible during these days.
  • Tuesday April 2nd: First day in the new building
    Your new office is ready to be housed in and all desktops should be reconnected. To celebrate the opening, please join us for cake in the new Kaiser Lounge at 10.30!


For questions related to the move, please consult our FAQ page. If you cannot find the answer to your question there, please do not hesitate to contact Robin Hölscher ( or Erik Deul (

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